👉  Exercise 1: 

In each of the follwing itesm, there is a word you many not know. Guess the meaning of the word from the context of the sentences. Then compare your work with another student.

1. What does "ravenous" mean?


 Could I have a piece of bread? I missed breakfast and I'm simply ravenous.

The poor horse was ravenous and it ate the leaves and back off the trees.

2. What does "flippers" mean?


We were all surprised to see how fast Johnny was swimming. Then we saw that he was waring flippers.

With my flippers on my feet, I felt like a fish. I had never swum so fast an so fast.

3. What does "wink" mean?


George winked to me from across the room. It was a signal not to say anything about what we had seen.

I´ve only known one cat that could wink and that was Tinker. She really could close just one of her eyes and she did if often.

4. What does "sallow" mean?


The poor child had sallow skin and very thin, bony arms and legs.

You could tell from this sallow complexion that he had lived in an unhealthy climate for many years.

5. What does "dike" mean?


After so much rain, the river flowed over the dike and into the fields.

People in this area began building dikes many centuries ago. It was the only way to keep the sea out of their villages.

6. What does "gaudy" mean?


She was wearing such gaudy clothes that it was easy to find her in the crowd.

My mother always said that old ladies shouldn´t wear bright colors. She thought that they would look gaudy and foolish.

👉 Exercise 2:

  • In each of the following items there is a word you may not know. Guess the meaning of the word from the context of the sentences . Then compare your work with another student.
1. What does "pitch" mean?


The singer was so terribly oil pitch that it hurt my ears to listen.

The ambulance siren was at such a high pitch tht we all jumped.

2. What does "shred" mean?


He read the letter carefully and then tore it to shreds.

Sammy was a real mess when he ame home his clothes were in shreds and he was covered with mud.

3. Wht does "mold" mean?


The liquid plastic was poured into a mold and left there until it was hard.

The dentist first makes a mold of this patient's teeth. From that he makes a model of the teeth to decide how to correct any problems.

👉 Exercise 3:

In each of the following items, there is  word you may not know. Guess the meaning of the word from the context of the sentences. Then compare your work with another student.

1. What does "stoop" mean?


The old man walked slowly along, all stooped over and leaning on a stick.

When I stooped down to get a better look, I realized that it was a dead rabbit. It must have been hit by a car.

2. What does "squall" mean?


The squall arrived so suddenly that we all got wet when we ran home from the beach. When they saw the squall coming, the sailors took down the sail and headed for the port.

3. What does "gush" mean?


When the fountain was turned on, the water gushed up several feet into the air. The blood gushed out of his wound the doctor put on a tight bandage.

4. What does "rugged" mean?


Susan and her husband led a rugged life in the Alaskan mountains, with no electricy and no running water.
The young man´s face was rugged, but his smile was friendly and the children soon forgot their fears.

5. What does "imp" mean?


What an imp he was! Little Tommy was always getting into trouble, but making us laugh about it.

With her pointed little chin, bright eyes and impish expression, we didn't know whether to believe the child.

6. What does "soggy" mean?


The study window had been left open during the storm, and my papers were a soggy mess.

We gathered up the soggy towels and bathing suits and hung  them all in the sun to dry.

🎤 As soon as you finish this work choose two of the new words you were supposed to GUESS and make a short presentation on power point by using definitions, examples and demonstrate their meaning in  a real context by making a role play.


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