
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2022


👉   Exercise 1:  In each of the follwing itesm, there is a word you many not know. Guess the meaning of the word from the context of the sentences. Then compare your work with another student. 1. What does "ravenous" mean? ____________________________________________________________________________.  Could I have a piece of bread? I missed breakfast and I'm simply ravenous. The poor horse was ravenous and it ate the leaves and back off the trees. 2. What does "flippers" mean? ____________________________________________________________________________. We were all surprised to see how fast Johnny was swimming. Then we saw that he was waring flippers. With my flippers on my feet, I felt like a fish. I had never swum so fast an so fast. 3. What does "wink" mean? ___________________________________________________________________________. George winked to me from across the room. It was a signal not to say anything about what we had seen. I´ve only known